How to Stop Snoring

How to Stop Snoring

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. 

Nothing is more uncomfortable than sleeping with a partner that snores and unfortunately, it is a common occurrence, even more than you’d think.

Snoring can be a problem. According to some statistics, 25% of adults snore regularly and up to 45% of them do it occasionally. And not only is it an inconvenience for the partners that have to deal with the noise, but it can also be a sign of underlying medical conditions like obstructive sleep apnea.

No matter how habitual it may be, snoring is something that most people would like to avoid, for others as much as for themselves. So if you are afflicted by this particular issue, don’t fret, we are here to carefully explain the possible causes and show you some scientifically proven ways that can help you prevent and treat snoring. Stick around to check what modern science has to say about the subject and what you can do to prevent it.

If you are struggling with the roaring sleepers and you’d like a solution, this blog is for you. Pay attention and you may manage to salvage those restful nights for yourself and your partner. Let’s take a look. 

What causes snoring?

First things first, if we are going to tackle this issue we need to know two things, what is it exactly and what causes it?

Snoring is the harsh sound that happens when air can’t flow easily through your mouth or nose. When the airflow is forced through an obstructed area, the soft tissues in your throat start to collide with each other and vibrate, and that produces that hoarse sound we call snoring.

Almost everyone snores from time to time, it is fairly common, but it can be a chronic problem for some people, and it may also indicate one of the most common sleep disorders, the one called obstructive sleep apnoea.

There are a lot of reasons that can cause snoring, some of the most know factors are related to age, gender, anatomy, and genetic disposition, but can also be impacted by lifestyle habits like sedentarism, alcohol intake, and smoking. We’ll take care of some of these subjects and how to improve upon them in this blog.

What is obstructive sleep apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSA for short, is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder. OSA usually occurs when the muscles surrounding the throat relax and tighten intermittently throughout the night, blocking your airway during sleep. It causes breathing interruption during sleep, by repeatedly stopping and starting breathing.

One of the most noticeable signs of OSA is snoring, and even though not everyone that snores has obstructive sleep apnea, it is a sign to take into consideration the next time you go see your doctor if you are a frequent snorer.

Is there a cure for snoring?

As far as we know, there is no sure-proof way to cure snoring, but there are a lot of treatments that can help in preventing it or reducing it. Some of them are fairly easy to incorporate into your day-to-day life, like adopting healthier lifestyle choices or changing bed habits. Some may need the use of certain devices like nasal strips or nasal dilators that can help with this problem. 

There is no manual when it comes to it, sometimes you need to take the time to experiment with different tactics to arrive at the best possible solution that fits your needs. Once you do, you’ll achieve a better quality of sleep, something you and your bed partner will be thankful for.

So let’s go ahead and revisit some tips to prevent and reduce snoring. But remember, it’s always helpful to pay your doctor a visit if you are struggling with snoring, he may help you in finding the best possible treatment for you and also in discarding or diagnosing sleep apnea. Another good reason to visit an M.D. is that there are some surgical options when it comes to treating snoring, so have that in mind if everything fails.

Tips to help stop snoring

Now that we have a clear idea of what snoring is and what can cause it, let’s take a look at a few tips to have in mind when it comes to preventing or reducing it.

Consider improving your sleeping habits

First things first. Did you know that taking care of your sleep can suffice to prevent snoring? According to some studies, people who take care of their sleep habits tend to snore less. With that in mind, it would be wise to take better care of your sleeping routine to avoid sleep deprivation. The better you sleep, the less you will snore. Let’s take a look at some quick tips to ensure a good night's sleep:

Rearrange your sleeping ritual

Be mindful of your sleep schedule, and try to get a consistent amount of hours of sleep per night. 

No napping

If you want a good night's sleep, avoid day sleeping. Naps can be pleasing, but can also disrupt your sleeping schedule.

Avoid screens

Put those tablets away. It’s advisable to avoid screens before bedtime, as they’ve been shown to interfere with sleep cycles.

Bedding supplies

Another great way to ensure a good night is by choosing the best bedding supplies for extra comfort. Pillows are a great place to start, so why don't you go ahead and check Mellanni's Premium Bed Pillows. This set of pillows is firm, yet fluffy, ideal for an ultra-comfortable sleep experience with precise support that adjusts to your spine. For sheets, it would be highly recommended to check out Mellanni's Bed Sheet Sets and Coverlets and Duvet Covers. A proper set of bedding supplies will help you achieve the best comfort for a good night's rest, and you can't do better than Mellanni for that.

So now you knowthat if you want to te reduce snoring, try to optimize your bedtime and get enough sleep.

Try a new sleeping position

Let’s try one of the easiest possible solutions, just change your sleep position. If you want to avoid snoring, try sleeping on your side, it’s the best position to avoid snoring. Sleeping on your back can be comfortable, but it can increase the chances of snoring given that the tongue position may interfere with your airways.

Studies show that patients with sleep apnea experience better breathing abilities when sleeping on their side. Sleeping on your side can be a great adjustment to avoid snoring, just make sure to switch left and right to find what suits you better, and if need be, get a supportive pillow to help you in keeping your position.

We recommend that you take a look at Mellanni's Premium Body Pillow if you want proper support for your body. Body pillows are great for amplifying comfort and relaxation, and you can use them for sleeping or while reading a book or watching tv in bed.

A hot shower before bed

A hot shower is a common way to treat nasal congestion. You are more likely to snore if you have a stuffy nose, and the heat and steam of the bath can help you clear those nasal passages. Recent studies indicate that nasal obstruction can cause obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

So treat yourself and your sinuses to a bath for open airways and comfortable sleeping. Your muscles will thank you too.

For a good night of snooze, avoid the booze

It’s fairly usual to believe that alcohol consumption helps you sleep, given that it can make you feel more relaxed, but according to science it actually may perturb your sleep. And not only that, but it is also most likely to increment the chances of snoring or increase the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.

If you want to avoid snoring, it would do well to avoid alcohol before going to sleep. However, if you can fathom the idea of going to bed without a little nightcap, try to reduce the intake as much as possible, and your partner will thank you for it.

Open your airways with nasal strips

Nasal strips are a great way to improve breathing while you sleep because they widen your nasal passage and allow for more space. This may be helpful in reducing snoring given that it makes breathing through your nose more simple.

The nasal strips are usually advertised as a problem solver for snoring, so give it try. Don’t forget to follow the instructions properly.

Take it further with a nasal dilator

If you find that nasal strips are not doing it for you, you might want to take things a step further by trying a nasal dilator. Nasal dilators are placed inside the nostrils and their function is to open up the nasal cavities from within.

According to some studies, you can decrease the amount of snoring while increasing the quality of your rest by using a nasal dilator. And while it may be a little bit more uncomfortable than nasal strips, they might make up for it in efficacy. 

Neti Pot

A different way to treat your sinuses with a cleansing bath is through the use of a neti pot. This pot is designed to open your airways by clearing out your nasal congestion with distilled water. Neti pots come in handy for improving sinus issues.

Be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully, and if you are prone to nosebleeds, you should avoid this treatment altogether.

Use a mouthpiece

We’ve talked about some devices for your nose that might help prevent snoring, but did you know you can also help by treating your mouth?

Anti-snoring mouthpieces work by pushing your lower jaw a little bit forward, so the airways aren’t obstructed by your tongue. The most common mouthpieces are mandibular advancement devices and tongue retaining devices, they are both adequate for preventing snoring.

You can try an anti-snoring mouthpiece to help with this issue, so recruit your mouth and give this a try. Some studies indicate that these gadgets may help in regulating snoring and may also help with obstructive sleep apnea. Consult a doctor if you are thinking of giving these appliances a chance.

Pillow hygiene

There is another way that may help prevent snoring that has little to do with devices or the way you treat yourself before bed, and that is taking good care of your bedding supplies. 

That’s right, pillow hygiene. As time passes, pillows and sheets get dirty and become a pleasurable city for dust mites to proliferate. Dust mites are known to cause allergies that can obstacle breathing and therefore, another cause that may cause snoring.  

Wash your pillows and sheets often, at least once a week. This will prevent dust mites and the concomitant allergies and snoring that come with it.


We’ve all heard about the multiple benefits of staying hydrated, and unsurprisingly, it also applies to snoring. Drinking water may help in preventing it because when you become dehydrated, the mucus around the airways can get thicker, making it harder for you to breathe and more likely for you to snore.

According to science, you should drink at least 15.5 cups of water every day to stay fully hydrated. So, if you want an easy way of managing this problem, take care of your water intake.

Take care of yourself

Another way of helping this particular issue comes with one of the best pieces of advice for general health, simply take care of yourself. Healthier lifestyles can improve snoring because it is more common to occur when you are overweight, so lose weight! Keeping a healthy weight might help due to the fact that it will help reduce the amount of tissue in your neck that can obstruct your airway and cause snoring. 

Sleeping the recommended amount of hours, exercising a bit every day, and keeping a healthy, nutritious diet can help a lot in reducing snoring.

Quit smoking

If you want another good reason to stop smoking, here is another one. Studies show that people who smoke increase their chances of snoring.

Smoking causes irritation in the upper airways, which may cause snoring. Also, nicotine withdrawal during nighttime may cause more difficulties in achieving a good night's sleep, which can also lead you to snore more.

There are a lot of benefits to quitting smoking, so now may be the time to stop, especially if you struggle with snoring. 

Regulate your blood pressure

Hypertension is an issue that affects the lives of millions of people around the world, and according to some studies, high blood pressure may have an influence when it comes to snoring. Be sure to check your levels next time you visit the doctor and try to maintain the numbers at healthy levels, this will improve your general health and also may help in reducing snoring. 

According to research, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking, lowering your sodium intake, and exercising regularly can help a lot in dealing with hypertension.  

Mouth exercises

We’ve already established that exercising is key for a healthy lifestyle, but did you know you can also do mouth exercises to reduce snoring?

According to some studies, if you perform oropharyngeal exercises daily, you might experience reduced snoring in a couple of months. Though it may not resolve the matter instantly, it may help in reducing snoring significantly if you keep up with it.

This method involves moving your tongue in several ways and working with certain mouth muscles, including lifting your soft palate and uvula. They are the kind of exercises that you can perform anywhere, so why not give them a chance? You might be thankful in the future.

Introducing the CPAP Machine

A CPAP machine is a pretty effective way to prevent snoring. As its name explains, the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine works by allowing you to breathe more freely by producing pressurized air to keep your nose canals open throughout the night. The device comes in many forms, some more practical than others, but they usually come with a face mask that covers your nose and tubes that are connected to a machine.

The CPAP machines help in reducing snoring and improving the quality of your sleep, according to recent studies. It may take some time to get used to it since it’s considerably more demanding than nasal strips or nasal dilators, but using a positive airway pressure CPAP is worth a try if you still can’t manage to get those snores under control.

If anything else fails, try essential oils

Granted, essential oils don’t have a lot of scientific back-ups when it comes to their efficacy, but according to preliminary studies, they may be helpful in reducing snoring, as a natural alternative. 

Peppermint, thyme, fennel, eucalyptus, and citronella seem to be the most advantageous oils when it comes to snoring, so if you feel like an alternative method is what you are looking for, give these a try.

To conclude

Now you have a clearer idea about how to prevent and reduce snoring, so get moving and try these tips. Your throat will be thankful for it, and so will your partner. And don't forget to try out Mellanni's Premium Bed Pillows for maximum comfort and support for your spine. Try combining it with Mellanni's Premium Body Pillow, this way you'll also get the best support for your body as well, while enhancing relaxation for a good night's sleep.

We hope this blog has been helpful in providing the necessary information about this common issue, and we hope you get the well-needed rest you and your partner deserve!


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