microplush mattress pad

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep?

  • Avoid electronics before bed, including your phone, television, laptop, and tablet. Exposure to light from screens can make it difficult for your body to know it’s time to go to sleep.

  • Create a bedtime routine. This can mean setting up a bedtime ambiance by dimming the lights or putting on soft music, or doing relaxing activities such as stretching, taking a bath, or having hot tea. 

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to help your body clock maintain a consistent sleep cycle.

  • Exercise. Regular exercise has many benefits, including helping us get a good night’s sleep. 

  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment by investing in a mattress, sheets, pillows, and blankets that fit your sleep style and preferences so you can always be comfortable at bedtime. 

Benefits of a good night's rest

Getting enough sleep is essential for good health and maintaining the essential functions we need for survival. Some additional short-term benefits of getting a full night’s sleep include: 

  • Higher ability to focus, memorize, and complete complex tasks 

  • Better capability to combat stress

  • Better balance, physical fitness

  • A healthier heart

  • Higher ability to regulate metabolism, which leads to better mood regulation, more consistent energy levels, and can combat weight gain

Not getting enough sleep, on the other hand, can lead to serious health risks and may cause changes in your mood and ability to function. Those that don’t get enough sleep may find themselves feeling more irritable, becoming forgetful, and thinking more slowly. Lack of sleep can also increase the risk of heart attack, irregular heart rate, high blood pressure, or diabetes. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why can’t I sleep? 

Many factors can contribute to trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Stress has a huge influence on our ability to sleep, but there are steps we can take to get better sleep.

Drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day can make it difficult to sleep. Lack of exercise and the absence of a healthy sleeping routine can also contribute to difficulty sleeping.

Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or anxiety disorders can all have a negative effect on sleep quality.

Discomfort caused by pain, uncomfortable bedding, or noise may also disrupt sleep. One of the easiest steps we can take to sleep better at night is to invest in a comfortable sleeping environment.

Should I avoid television before sleep?

Yes and no. Winding down and de-stressing before bed can promote better sleep, however, the bed should be reserved for sleeping.

Avoid watching TV in bed. Turn off screens at least 1 hour before getting into bed for sleep, including television screens, phones, and tablets.

The light emitted from our TVs and other devices can interrupt our internal clock and sleep patterns.

How much sleep should I get?

The number of hours of sleep you should get per night varies depending on your age and circumstances. According to the National Sleep Foundation on average adults need 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.

Toddlers, children, and teens need even more -- toddlers should get an average of 11-14 hours, school-age children 9-11 hours, and teens 8-10 hours.

The amount of sleep you get also depends on your lifestyle, health, and other factors. Even if you are getting the recommended 7-9 hours, if you feel sleepy during the day or struggle to concentrate, it may mean that you need to amp up your sleep.

Should I take sleeping pills? 

Sleep aids or sleep medication can be an option if you are having trouble sleeping and have already tried a variety of lifestyle changes. Sleeping pills should be taken with safety in mind and you should talk to your doctor about side effects and proper use.

Some who take sleep medicine or sleep aids note that even if they can fall asleep faster and get enough sleep through the night, they still wake up feeling tired or experience excessive daytime sleepiness.

How do I make a comfortable sleep environment? 

Feeling comfortable in bed is key to getting a good night’s sleep. Look for a mattress, sheets, pillows, and pillowcases that suit your sleeping style and preferences.

If you are a hot sleeper (you tend to get hot during the night) invest in sheets that are breathable and that don’t trap body heat, while cold sleepers should always keep a blanket handy or use sheets that are good at trapping body heat.

If you have neck pain, back pain, or sleep apnea, consider investing in a body pillow to help support your back and legs during sleep. If you find that a hard mattress is causing discomfort, consider a mattress pad. Our favorite mattress pad is Mellanni's microplush mattress pad, which is ultra soft.

Sleep hygiene tips

Power off electronics

Blue light emitted from phones, television, computers, or tablets can be confusing for our brain and can lead to trouble falling asleep, poor sleep, and even eventual insomnia.

It’s a good idea to power off electronics at least one hour before bed to help your body get into sleep mode. If you are in the habit of checking Instagram or watching TV before going to sleep, try to switch to reading or listening to soft music before bed instead.

If you must use your electronics, be sure to switch your screen settings to night mode, which reduces the amount of light being emitted by your device. 

Create a bed-time routine

Getting into a healthy bedtime routine includes creating healthy habits that promote sleep. Dimming the lights before bed, listening to relaxing music, light stretching, taking a warm bath, or a combination of these relaxation techniques are great ways to destress before bed. 

Creating a routine and ambiance linked to your sleep cycle can help condition your body to prepare for sleep once you start your routine. Give yourself plenty of time to unwind before hitting the hay, this can help promote faster sleep onset and can help combat stress and anxiety which can lead to sleep issues. 

Go to bed and wake up at the same time 

Our bodies work on a circadian rhythm, which is a 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep and wake cycles. Going to bed and waking up around the same time every day optimizes our circadian rhythm, making us sleep better. 

While it may be tempting to stay awake later during the weekends, when we know we don't have to worry about an alarm clock the next morning, this can lead to irregular sleeping patterns and can damage your sleep schedule.


Moderate-to-vigorous exercise during the day has been linked to better sleep in adults, specifically when it comes to the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Exercise also has many other health benefits that can promote better sleep, such as stress reduction.

Manual labor or job-related vigorous exercise may have the opposite effect, especially if this work causes pain and injury. In these cases, having a good mattress or therapeutic pillows can help. That's why here at Mellanni we're releasing a brand new body pillow -- we deeply care about sleep comfort.

Heavy exercising should also be avoided within an hour leading up to bedtime. Opt instead for light exercises such as stretching or yoga. 

Invest in comfortable bedding 

Sleeping should be an activity you look forward to. If your bed doesn’t provide a comfortable and inviting environment, it’s difficult to get a good night’s sleep. 

Opt for a mattress, bedding, and pillows that feel good to you. Perhaps you prefer a soft mattress, soft pillows, and soft sheets -- that’s what your bed should have! If you tend to be a hot sleeper, fitting your bed with breathable sheets is a must. If you have back or neck pain, ensure your pillow is the correct loft and thickness.

Make sure sheets are fitted well to your bed. Slippery sheets can lead to sleep disruption and make it difficult for you to maintain a deep sleep. For example, many of our sheets, including our 100% Jersey Cotton Sheet set, come with extra deep pockets to keep your fitted sheet from slipping off the bed.

How Mellanni can help you get a good night’s sleep

Here at Mellanni, we have a variety of high-quality bedding options to make your bed the perfect place to sleep better. 

Mellanni Queen Sheet Set - Hotel Luxury 1800 Bedding

These are the best option if you love the feeling of hotel sheets that are crisp and fresh. They are also perfect for cold sleepers that need a little extra heat to get a good sleep. 

  • Made from 100% microfiber

  • Wrinkle-resistant, stain-resistant, and machine washable

  • Made with the highest quality craftsmanship

Jersey Knit 100% Cotton 4-Piece Bed Sheet Set

If you’re the kind of person that loves their comfy, cotton t-shirt so much that you never want to take it off, these sheets are for you! The stretchy fabric also means that they fit perfectly over your mattress and won’t slip off during the night so you can sleep through the night. 

  • Made from 100% Jersey Cotton

  • Fitted sheet comes with deep pockets for a secure mattress fit

  • Super soft and easy to care for

Mellanni Organic Cotton 

Our 100% organic cotton sheets are super breathable, perfect for hot sleepers, and for those that want to ensure their bedding is environmentally friendly and free of harsh chemicals. 

  • Made with 100% GOTS Certified Organic Cotton

  • Machine-washable and durable

  • Finished with a crisp and luxurious sateen weave

Mellanni’s Premium Bed Pillow

A good pillow is essential for a good night's rest. Mellanni's fluffy down alternative pillow is a great option for all types of sleepers -- side sleeps, back sleepers, or belly sleepers.

  • Stuffed with 100% virgin-grade polyester fiber filling (the highest quality down alternative)

  • Fluffy and soft, but firm

  • Machine washable and dryer friendly (tumble dry)

Mellanni’s Body Pillow 

Body pillows are a great bedding accessory if sleep apnea, pain, arthritis, or pregnancy is making it difficult for you to fall asleep and get enough sleep throughout the night.

  • Stuffed with 100% virgin-grade polyester fiber filling (down alternative)

  • Versatile and the perfect size for the bed, couch, or reading nook

  • Machine washable

Microplush Mattress Pad

If you prefer a soft sleeping surface, but find yourself with a hard mattress, our micro plush mattress pad is the perfect option for you.

  • Overstuffed for an extra-soft sleeping surface

  • Extra-deep pockets for a secure fit

  • Hypoallergenic and easy to care for 

Mellanni’s Comforters & Duvet

For those super chilly nights where you need a warm comforter or duvet to stay warm, opt for Mellanni’s excellently crafted comforters and duvets. Easy to care for and with the highest quality materials, you know you’ll get a great sleep. 

Additional considerations

Children and Teenagers

Children and teenagers, on average, require even more sleep than adults. Teaching kids and young adults good sleep habits early on can help them develop healthy sleep patterns through adulthood.


For kids, creating a solid bedtime routine is a great way to get them to start thinking about good sleep hygiene. This may include relaxing activities such as reading, cuddling with stuffed animals, or listening to soft music. Kids should avoid sugary beverages or big meals too close to bedtime.


For teenagers and college students, getting enough rest can be difficult due to school deadlines, keeping up with social stress, and the impulse to stay up late and sleep late, which is often impossible with school or other morning commitments.

Keeping on top of deadlines and avoiding cramming, playing sports, and avoiding caffeine are some great sleep practices specific to high school and college students to avoid significant sleep debt. 

Sleeping conditions and illnesses

If you find that you have tried a variety of methods for quality sleep, but still have trouble sleeping, feel tired, or generally dread bedtime, it may be time to talk to your doctor as you may have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, chronic insomnia, or other sleep-related conditions.

Sleeping conditions can begin at any time. Your doctor may prescribe a specific sleep routine or sleeping medication to help you get a full night's rest.

What happens if you don't get enough sleep

While the average number of hours per sleep needed by adults vary, it's agreed that sleep deprivation can have significant implications for overall health and well-being.

Aside from the loss of daytime energy, feeling tired, unfocused, or grumpy, loss of sleep can also cause brain fog, inability to concentrate, and difficulty making decisions. You may become more prone to accidents or find yourself falling asleep during the day. Several nights of poor sleep could also lead to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other serious health issues.

This is why good sleep hygiene is genuinely important and why if you have persistent sleep problems, you should seek help.

Working the night shift

Our circadian rhythm regulates our sleep, in part, based on the light of daytime and the darkness of night. Working the night shift can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep as our sleep schedule is opposite to what's natural for the body.

It's still important for night shift workers to try to get sufficient sleep and there are strategies those on the graveyard shift can take to sleep better.

It's extra important for nightshift workers to avoid reaching for caffeine or other stimulants to stay awake. Once the shift is over, it's helpful to simulate darkness for as long as possible before falling asleep by using blackout curtains or other methods to block light from windows. Additionally, let people know that you aren't available during the day and keep your phone on do not disturb so that notifications don't cause fragmented sleep.

The bottom line 

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our health and happiness. There are several steps you can take to get a better night’s sleep. 

  • Avoid electronics before bed 

  • Create a sleeping routine 

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time 

  • Exercise 

  • Make a comfortable bed 

Here at Mellanni, we may not be able to help turn off your electronics or get you to the gym, but we can help you to create the ultimate sleeping environment so that you are excited to jump into bed every night. 

  • If you’re looking for crisp, refined sheets, that will give you that luxury hotel good night’s sleep, then our chic microfiber sheet set is the perfect option 

  • If you prefer comfy, soft sheets that feel like your favorite t-shirt, our stretchy jersey knit 100% cotton sheets are the way to go for the best night’s sleep. 

  • If you are a hot sleeper and want the most breathable, organic bedding, choose our 100% organic cotton bed sheets.

  • In the search for the perfect pillow that is not too soft and not too hard? The release of Mellanni’s alternative down bed pillow is going to be your perfect pillow. 

  • If you find it hard to sleep due to discomfort caused by back pain, arthritis, or are a pregnant mother, our upcoming body pillow will help improve your sleep. 

  • Is your mattress too hard, making it impossible for you to find comfort when it’s time to go to bed? We highly recommend our super soft micro plush mattress pad. You’ll feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud, making it much easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

  • For those super cold nights where you need something cozy and comfortable to help you feel warm enough to sleep well, take a look at our comforters and duvets!

Happy sleeping!

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